Saturday, August 31, 2013

Talon RO

go to TalonRO Starting if you're new to RO [Ragnarok Online]

TalonRO is one of many RO private server which still alive.

I myself like TalonRO, they do not make some imbalance items, and even for some people who do not give donation can have their coins [Copper Coin] which can be used to rent their super item [I think this is kind of a trial to try their item].

if we give them donation we will get some Coins [Talon Coin], we can also collect some Copper Coin and change them into Talon Coin.

it's not a bad idea to make some donations TalonRO Donation Page, do give donation if it's possible.

First of all we can find TalonRO in Facebook : TalonRO Facebook Page
you have to register first to have every option visible : TalonRO Registration

the download client is not that big, and in TalonRO, there are some events which happening according to the season we're having.

TalonRO Rules
there is no botting happening in TalonRO..
which means that every moving player in-game are a living person.
#for merchant, they can get the hell out from the game while selling/buying something [this is a feature from TalonRO with "!market" if I'm not wrong]

still confused with some things in TalonRO?? we can go to TalonRO Wiki, with more info to learn.

How WOE works in TalonRO..
 There are that type which separate the player with their specific equipment.

TalonRO has their own calculator, which able to calculate the damage we can do and the damage we will receive. TalonRO Calculator

TalonRO has some great mini-games [in-game], and also some events in their forum [check News & Events]

for the minigames, they can be checked in their TalonRO Wiki [minigames].

so, what are you waiting for?
try it first is the best way to know how great TalonRO is.

check their greatness in
and register ASAP to feel the fun TalonRO registration [register in forum first, then register to play]

------------------------------- ***** ------------------------------

have you ever regret in what choice you have chosen??
it's fine to have those regret, it's mean that you know what you should do after this.
if you ever ask to yourself : "is this choice the bad one??"
brace yourself and tell yourself : "doesn't matter what, this is what I have chosen!!"
it's not that so we need to finish that choice completely....
it just means that we need to do what we can do to make that choice seem reasonable..
just remember that when it's tough... ask others for help..
they may laugh at you, they may tell you to give up....
but it just human nature to do all that kind of evil things at first impression..
just remember that you only need to do your best [restricted to how far you can do], which means you acknowledge your weakness and ask other to cover that weakness you have.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Hey, I just found this not long ago (about a week)
it's Ren'Py, one of many game engine which help us in making Visual Novel [VN].
The Mascot

Ren'Py is not really hard to use, but the lack of tutorial make it a little tricky to be able to understand what actually Ren'Py can do [optimally]

and, if you are bored with nothing to do, try visit Ren'Py Games List, the place where many games made using Ren'Py.

and if you are interested in making a VN, visit and lemmasoft Forum
#Lemma Soft Forum is like some forum made for Ren'Py user to communicate.

## Making something is not easy
## it may look easy at first, but it is hard
## got confused half-way and trying to stop???
## it's fine, take a rest for a while and come back try to finish it later
## it's kind of a challenge in a life..

Monday, August 26, 2013

Sentou Gakuen

found this game Sentou Gakuen
even the game itself still improving, I hope even more people try this game.
#it has some different style for a game.. give it a try!!
you can register using this form... or just register from the web.
here some preview from the game...



// just look at the website

there are many things which still unknown for me
I even don't have any idea where to start
but if I try to do what I want, will I be able to reach something?
but I don't have that many time to try...
so I stop for a second, think about what I can actually do
and I just do that thing, the thing which I can do

Friday, August 16, 2013


just trying to learn unty3d .
it's something new for me and I only able to learn a little bit of what it can do.
Learning, Learning, and more Learning...
what is the use of learning something?
it's to know something new.
why do you need to know something new?
because we want to get something great.
what is that "something great" you just said?
it's mostly experience but it also means your life right now.
my life?
yeah, by learning you are constructing your life, and it will give you a big effect in the future.
So, start learning something new if you haven't start it yet.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Official Japanese anime site

just found this site
We can them in youtube : Daisuki on Youtube

it'a an official site *for the first time there is a free anime for watch [OFFICIAL]

I hope it will last forever..

I got the picture from Pixiv

there are many things which invisible from our eyes....
it's true that there are many inventions which useful in our daily activities...
but it's also true that there are many dreams which hard to realize..
and it's also true that there are many achievements which still hidden from our knowledge.
life is like that, many things doesn't need that much attention..
#for instance : who know the name that invented the road???#
just live your life as you like, and try what you want once a while......