Saturday, December 28, 2013

Attack of Titan Tribute Game [by Feng]

you guys may already now this game, but.. well.. it's a good game after all.
and it is still in develop 'till now, just wait for the next update..

you can also play.. for FREE over here

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

story of heroes

I found this in youtube here is the link :

it's a great video telling us what we really are. or what we should do...!!

we are not anyone..
we are we, there is noone identical like us.
we have our own world.
we should try to look for that world of our
don' t let your eyes keep deceiving you with what you never able to reach
search for it, and you may get it..
ah, don't forget to ask for HIS help.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


well, I found this site useful for me..
and I've been wondering sometime what anime will come out this season, the next season, or the past season.
you guys might have your own places to check, but this site is the best one for me
check it at 

oh, and if you can be kind, you should click the ads at the bottom of page to keep them survive.


life is a long journey, you need to be patient to reach the end
there is no need to rush your life.
keeping your pace, and go steadily . . .
just like that, one step at one time
feel it with all of your body, remember everything you have to walk through
don't ever forget any help you got.
be sure to walk in a great life you have.
well, it's mean the end of your journey when you are dead....
do your best when you're still in your journey ^-^