Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I'm trying to do something around now...

some simple thing I made using Unity 3d..

use the MOUSE to MOVE left and right
Q to pause
pick all the falling things to gain poin and health. don't let them fall, you will lose some of your health.

you can try it here.. M-0n or gamejolt

I hope I can make it better or make something else


it's hard to keep going...

Sunday, March 16, 2014


well. have nothing to do for a while..
...and, I just started thinking to make something.
yeah, maybe a stupid game that at least playable..


life is so short..
when you are getting older and older..
you will have less and less time to play...
well, that some crazy mind-set you guys have.
life is really looooong.......
take a little look at yourself right now.
you are a different person than some time ago.
you are thinking you are responsible for your own life now...
you are thinking your work are killing you...
you are thinking how good it is to be young...

if you are stuck right now.......
make a new challenge to spice up your life...!
make it time trial.... -> give some deadline for your loooong planning
or make it an endless run.... -> give some checkpoint for your crazy planning
or make it conditional win.... -> give some reward & punishment for your spontaneous planning

Friday, February 28, 2014

Steparu.com - News, Reviews, & Information for Foreign Games.

well.. I just found this website ....

this is a great place...
just like the title said.. it's full with news, review, & information for foreign games..
you might find several new games when you try to lurking around (≧σ≦)

go there steparu.com, it will give you many information about the latest game or even the upcoming ones.

#there are some information (preview/review) for upcoming games and anime mmorpg on the bottom right

oh, and they also have a facebook page..


we have so many doubt when we want to play some games...
ah, at least I have ever feel that doubt.
is it a good game? is there a good game out there?
well, this place give me some information that make some of my doubt clear..
oh, only some, the rest of my doubt will be gone once I tried the game... :p