Friday, February 28, 2014 - News, Reviews, & Information for Foreign Games.

well.. I just found this website ....

this is a great place...
just like the title said.. it's full with news, review, & information for foreign games..
you might find several new games when you try to lurking around (≧σ≦)

go there, it will give you many information about the latest game or even the upcoming ones.

#there are some information (preview/review) for upcoming games and anime mmorpg on the bottom right

oh, and they also have a facebook page..


we have so many doubt when we want to play some games...
ah, at least I have ever feel that doubt.
is it a good game? is there a good game out there?
well, this place give me some information that make some of my doubt clear..
oh, only some, the rest of my doubt will be gone once I tried the game... :p

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