Friday, February 7, 2014

Game : Flappy Bird

lately I've been seeing people playing this game using their phone.
and they seem getting immersed in their play..

oh, and there is a flash game version of this game....
you can find it on

you might try this game when you have the time.
and give feedback to the developer, like leaving a comment... :v
well, it's show them how their work has reached you.. :D
you can play on :


your effort in your life might sometimes look small..
too small that people didn't notice what you have done for them.
but, you should just give it a shot for everything you want to do
it's true there are not much people looking at you,
but there are a few of them praising your work..
you should try to find that little group first and then advance to the next page of your life

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