Wednesday, January 29, 2014

games you might not have tried ! !

I found this video on youtube
and I don't recognize some of them...
but all of them are wonderful..!!!
check it yourself on YOUTUBE


oh, and they also giving so many things about how to make a great game.
do you want to know more about games?
what is it? how to make it? or you need some inspirations??
you can find them here  Extra Credits [youtube link]

there are many things I don't understand in this life.
even those things which right in front of my eyes...
like what is internet? how it works? what danger can it brings?
but there are people who giving some information about them.
we should take some of our time to learn something new after all
and we should try our best to support them,
so they know that their works give some help to others.

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