Saturday, December 28, 2013

Attack of Titan Tribute Game [by Feng]

you guys may already now this game, but.. well.. it's a good game after all.
and it is still in develop 'till now, just wait for the next update..

you can also play.. for FREE over here

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

story of heroes

I found this in youtube here is the link :

it's a great video telling us what we really are. or what we should do...!!

we are not anyone..
we are we, there is noone identical like us.
we have our own world.
we should try to look for that world of our
don' t let your eyes keep deceiving you with what you never able to reach
search for it, and you may get it..
ah, don't forget to ask for HIS help.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


well, I found this site useful for me..
and I've been wondering sometime what anime will come out this season, the next season, or the past season.
you guys might have your own places to check, but this site is the best one for me
check it at 

oh, and if you can be kind, you should click the ads at the bottom of page to keep them survive.


life is a long journey, you need to be patient to reach the end
there is no need to rush your life.
keeping your pace, and go steadily . . .
just like that, one step at one time
feel it with all of your body, remember everything you have to walk through
don't ever forget any help you got.
be sure to walk in a great life you have.
well, it's mean the end of your journey when you are dead....
do your best when you're still in your journey ^-^

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Muse Score - Free Music Composition and Notation Software

found this when trying to find some software to compose a music
*looking for the free one.  「(⌒_⌒;)

you can find it here

oh, and if you are new to this software, there is a tutorial how to use it..
check the handbook, they have explain the most of how to use it.  (ノ∀\•)

if you want to try using the application, you can go to the download page

oh, and if you have some money to spare, give them donation if you like the software
( ⊙ ︿⊙)
nothing is free in this world.
even breathing takes our energy away.
well, it means that there is something we lose..
when we gain something.
but, it's our choices....
in how to maintain a great price, to make our life even meaningful.
from day to day... 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Free Download Manager

are you still downloading without using download manager?
well, you should try it. it doesn't hurt anyway.

ah, download manager is some application which help us in downloading something from the internet,
such as video, music, or other things you want to download.

oh, and there is a free download manager (FDM) which is free.
you can find it at

try it..! it should help you in downloading some thing..  (* ̄∀ ̄)
this is some screenshot of it

if you have some question, just search the forum..
it should be helpful. 
and, if you want to try it, just go to the website. 


it takes a long time to make our way up..
but it only takes a second to fall into a despair.
that's how life works . . .
but you can try to walk up step-by-step once more.
when you are ready to take more pain.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

why men should always carry chocolate

just found this video recently
it's titled 'why men should always carry chocolate'
youtube link

I laugh for some time..
and.. that's a new reason to bring many chocolate..
a great way to advertise indeed.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

[vocaloid] Miki

this is one of her songs.
in youtube

hear her voice.!! it's cute.. 
(* ̄∀ ̄)

in this life, we should never look down on others.
for what they have done, made, or even for the fact that they are exist right now.
we need to share in this life.
and we share the same place to live in.. This Earth.!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

JRPG - a kanji learning game

do you having a hard time in learning Japanese?
is it easier to learn from some game for you?
well, I found this game not long ago which teach us about Japanese.
it's a game where we need to beat our enemies using word.
there will be a hiragana/katakana/kanji as the monsters's name,
and we need to think --> type the name --> smash space to beat it.
and there is some info if we guess it wrong.oh, and here is the link to the game [JRPG]


it's not bad to learn something new.
the hard thing is to mustering up the will to learn it.
life really is hard.....

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hey, just found this not long ago.
this site is a download place of some games they have.
and for free.

 #scroll down and you will find this categories.
oh, even it's free but the game is good..
   after you click the game you interested in,
   you will move to the game download page,
   in this page, you can read the game description, and system requirement
   oh, and there are some .in-game screen shot.

just browse the category you like and download it then play it.
and, it seems they use ads to get some money.
so don't forget to click the ads at least once

no one in this world able to grow instantly.
we won't be able to grow and become big in just a day, right?
even we can't grow instantly...
we can make some changes in our life instantly.
like when we make choices.
because, every choice we make, they will affect our life.
for the life we are living now and the future.
just make sure of one thing....
whatever you choose, don't regret it for too long.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Crack - Keeno

found it from Youtube

I hope you like this song.....
oh, and check the original one at niconico douga 
please do support the author..
a little support from you means a lot for other.

Original video at :/sm12514413

Illustration:麺類子 (
Movie:ke-sanβ (mylist/14639164)

I do not own the video, music, lyrics.

 there are too much thing we need to do in this life
and sometimes it feels stupid to just keep going.
this kind of thinking popping out because we are weak.
we need support from others to keep going
and it really is the truth..
after all, we are not only need some materialistic support
but we also need some mental support.

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Black List Project [blog]

this is to go to their blog The Black List Project

they make some custom winamp skin, google chrome skin,  rainmeter skin, rocket dock....
ah, they give the download link for each program if I'm not wrong..
here's some screenshoot from their site..

they are not that active recently (`・∧・´)ノ
but they already have some stuff in their blog.  ★\ (。◕‿◕。 )彡

just come to their website and lurk around there [The Black List Project]
oh, and also check their Facebook Page


there is always a moment when we feel like we are stuck.
stuck because we don't have enough energy, time, knowledge, etc.
it really is bringing us down...
making us feeling that it's impossible to break free from that problematic life,
and we leave that way of life and forget it.
yeaaah, that's one of ways to take care of it.
but, think about it...
'what will you achieve if you're able to keep yourself in that kind of life?'
..... I don't know what the answer is, what will we achieve actually?...
but, two things that we will gain.. it's experience and a little relationship with those around us.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Anime Fall 2013

ah, the anime of fall season in 2013.

and if you want to know more information...
go to here []


do you have ever think that it's hard to stay alive?
do you think that you only live alone?
do you happened to think that noone help you alive?
are you stupid? you are not alone here..
that internet you use, that computer you use, clothes you wear...
realize it already...
you are not alone.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Anime Battle Character (ABC) [WoW custom map]

there is this custom map for World of Warcraft (WoW) to play..
[you need warcraft III to play, I hope you already have it, if not, find it yourself ^^]

you can go to the website at

shop system in-game


and.... it's better to check by yourself.
check the latest map made here <

Oh, and the latest map is made in 2012..
and, yes the team is still working on to the next project.
it seems they will make something a little different

 if you want to know more about the next project they are working right now..
you can follow them from their facebook page
or their website

 As always, don't forget to support them if you have something more..
giving is nice sometimes...

 it looks like it really is easy to achieve something great.
but it's not....
there are some great effort needed to make that goal reachable
 it sometimes looks stupid that we forget about that goal we want
but by throwing that one, it will affect us later on.
every little thing happened in our life will slowly giving us a shape of our future.

the important thing is..
never regret any choices you have made or will make later on.
that will hopefully build your little path to your unknown goal ahead.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Grief Syndrome

there is this game called "Grief Syndrome", a doujin game since August 13, 2011..

and here is a place about it taleofagriefseed, found it at tumblr
 just follow the instruction there to install, and play...
#check the menu on the left
##I haven't try it

and go to this page Grief_Syndrome, it contains all the information about the game.

#umm, I don't really understand japanese, but there should be a way to support the developer[tasofro]..

The trailer.... From youtube....

how to play online, found it at youtube [check the description]
#don't know it's working or not.

there are good and bad things happened in our life..
but doing nothing will only give us a bad things in the future..
just try to do something that might be not much,
but that little thing we do.. will bring us something in the future.
just hope it's something good.. ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ

Monday, September 16, 2013


Lately I've been trying to make some games..
but, it's not that easy to make a game..
I'm planning to use unity but then it's better to learn using ren'py first.
ah, the engines are different but, first thing I need to know is the essence of making a game.

and I've got some tutorial about making an otome-game..
why an otome game?
because Ren'Py is an engine that used to make Visual Novel [VN]

you might say that it's easy to make a game using this program..
but.. it really is hard to make a story.. I just realize that fully not long ago.

oh, and I starting to learn unity too..
hoping I'm able to learn both of them...
if you want to learn how to use Ren'Py and how to make a game using Ren'Py.
visit this site
it's a great tutorial I got so far..
#I'll be doing unity later on..  

when we want to learn something..
it's hard sometimes when we learn it from textbook.
but it's easier from looking at the example . .
but, even it's great we are able to learn from example..
but the best one is when we are able to do it ourselves.
well, nothing beat experience

textbook - - > example - - > TRY IT!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Learn Japanese

are you trying to understand japanese?
do you want to learn japanese?
do you have trouble choosing how to learn?

well.. there is a great place in web that give us some great lesson..
you can find it at
ah.. it's free so just join in the class and ask your friends to compete with you (giving some more challenge).

the different from learning from some teacher in real life.
we can have our lesson whenever we have time...
and anywhere as long as we have internet connection ..
(ノ゚0゚)ノ~ no need to go to some specific place to learn.. 
[though it's better to learn in real life not only in internet]
[  ( because someone is there to answer our question )  ]  

 this is the first lesson

and there is test function, that give us question (in the current lesson) to answer and giving a score in the end..


and don't forget to give them some donation if you have some spare money
it's at the bottom-right.. using pay-pal..

well.. good luck in learning japanese at


nothing really a meaning in this life..
we think like that when everything just going alright.. nothing is wrong.
but, when there is a little problem.. and we able to take down that problem..
however tiny the problem is.. it's make us think there is a meaning in our life.
STOP thinking like that already...
it's your life. it's your meaningful life..
there is no other who is the same as you..
well, someone can replace your position, BUT no one can replace your life.
START having a fulfilling life by doing your best and enjoy your life.
it's limited only for you.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Sometime it's hard to tell people how you feel in internet.
so there are emoticons to fill that emptiness...
ah.. there is some from this site

when there is some misunderstanding

(´・.・`) ?

when there is some difficult things to explain
when there is happiness
when there is some anger
when there is make you happy

and there are many more to our emotions...
if you ever trying so hard to make them before...
you can grab them from
have you ever feel you have a hardship in your life?
and it's maybe more than once...
and we ever think to give up.. or we really given up...
but yet.. we are still able to stay alive.
and with this kind of life.. we need to realize something.
OTHER people also have some hardship on their life.
it's not just us
but, why some of them able to win in their despair?
here are some tips:
         - they never give up
         - they ask other for help
         - they try their best
         - when one of their plan fail, 
           they still go on with plan B, C, D, and other
         - they are not in a panic state
         - they still believe it's do able
well.. if we are not able to overcome our hardship, we still alive.
but... if we are able to overcome it, we can have a much better life to live on.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Kawaii Codec Pack

there is this thing called codec that needed to play video in some video player..
and this one here called KCP - Kawaii Codec Pack
it's been alive since 18/12/2012

when installing it will look like this

and when open

the codec itself is great, it can play many video extensions [I can play what I have].
try it to feel it.

it's FREE and it's reachable in

Kawaii Codec Pack Page
go to the website to download it.
and do reply to the forum after you've tried it.


there are many different things happening in this life.
even all those things are having the same goal.
people tend to try their best to reach their goal..
but sometime when the goal seems unreachable, we surrendered.
hoping other will make our goal finished..

This kind of thinking should be washed away.
we are alive here and now to make something.
that is our goal. when sometimes it seems impossible, we should ask help from others.
it doesn't mean that we are weak...
it means that we need more than ourselves to make the goal realized.

ah, when I said goal, it's means something that can make people live a more comfortable life.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Talon RO

go to TalonRO Starting if you're new to RO [Ragnarok Online]

TalonRO is one of many RO private server which still alive.

I myself like TalonRO, they do not make some imbalance items, and even for some people who do not give donation can have their coins [Copper Coin] which can be used to rent their super item [I think this is kind of a trial to try their item].

if we give them donation we will get some Coins [Talon Coin], we can also collect some Copper Coin and change them into Talon Coin.

it's not a bad idea to make some donations TalonRO Donation Page, do give donation if it's possible.

First of all we can find TalonRO in Facebook : TalonRO Facebook Page
you have to register first to have every option visible : TalonRO Registration

the download client is not that big, and in TalonRO, there are some events which happening according to the season we're having.

TalonRO Rules
there is no botting happening in TalonRO..
which means that every moving player in-game are a living person.
#for merchant, they can get the hell out from the game while selling/buying something [this is a feature from TalonRO with "!market" if I'm not wrong]

still confused with some things in TalonRO?? we can go to TalonRO Wiki, with more info to learn.

How WOE works in TalonRO..
 There are that type which separate the player with their specific equipment.

TalonRO has their own calculator, which able to calculate the damage we can do and the damage we will receive. TalonRO Calculator

TalonRO has some great mini-games [in-game], and also some events in their forum [check News & Events]

for the minigames, they can be checked in their TalonRO Wiki [minigames].

so, what are you waiting for?
try it first is the best way to know how great TalonRO is.

check their greatness in
and register ASAP to feel the fun TalonRO registration [register in forum first, then register to play]

------------------------------- ***** ------------------------------

have you ever regret in what choice you have chosen??
it's fine to have those regret, it's mean that you know what you should do after this.
if you ever ask to yourself : "is this choice the bad one??"
brace yourself and tell yourself : "doesn't matter what, this is what I have chosen!!"
it's not that so we need to finish that choice completely....
it just means that we need to do what we can do to make that choice seem reasonable..
just remember that when it's tough... ask others for help..
they may laugh at you, they may tell you to give up....
but it just human nature to do all that kind of evil things at first impression..
just remember that you only need to do your best [restricted to how far you can do], which means you acknowledge your weakness and ask other to cover that weakness you have.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Hey, I just found this not long ago (about a week)
it's Ren'Py, one of many game engine which help us in making Visual Novel [VN].
The Mascot

Ren'Py is not really hard to use, but the lack of tutorial make it a little tricky to be able to understand what actually Ren'Py can do [optimally]

and, if you are bored with nothing to do, try visit Ren'Py Games List, the place where many games made using Ren'Py.

and if you are interested in making a VN, visit and lemmasoft Forum
#Lemma Soft Forum is like some forum made for Ren'Py user to communicate.

## Making something is not easy
## it may look easy at first, but it is hard
## got confused half-way and trying to stop???
## it's fine, take a rest for a while and come back try to finish it later
## it's kind of a challenge in a life..

Monday, August 26, 2013

Sentou Gakuen

found this game Sentou Gakuen
even the game itself still improving, I hope even more people try this game.
#it has some different style for a game.. give it a try!!
you can register using this form... or just register from the web.
here some preview from the game...



// just look at the website

there are many things which still unknown for me
I even don't have any idea where to start
but if I try to do what I want, will I be able to reach something?
but I don't have that many time to try...
so I stop for a second, think about what I can actually do
and I just do that thing, the thing which I can do

Friday, August 16, 2013


just trying to learn unty3d .
it's something new for me and I only able to learn a little bit of what it can do.
Learning, Learning, and more Learning...
what is the use of learning something?
it's to know something new.
why do you need to know something new?
because we want to get something great.
what is that "something great" you just said?
it's mostly experience but it also means your life right now.
my life?
yeah, by learning you are constructing your life, and it will give you a big effect in the future.
So, start learning something new if you haven't start it yet.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Official Japanese anime site

just found this site
We can them in youtube : Daisuki on Youtube

it'a an official site *for the first time there is a free anime for watch [OFFICIAL]

I hope it will last forever..

I got the picture from Pixiv

there are many things which invisible from our eyes....
it's true that there are many inventions which useful in our daily activities...
but it's also true that there are many dreams which hard to realize..
and it's also true that there are many achievements which still hidden from our knowledge.
life is like that, many things doesn't need that much attention..
#for instance : who know the name that invented the road???#
just live your life as you like, and try what you want once a while......

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


one of many anime I'm waiting for the next season.. it's Toaru Majutsu no Index

check the original site here [in japan]

everything that happened in our life is not that bad..
because it's always giving us new experiences, for us to go trough the new trouble in the next future...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Gasai Yuno

cute isn't she..
Gasai Yuno from Mirai Nikki
there is some description from myanimelist
found it from pixiv

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

DotA 2

just found this review about DotA 2 becoming official release in 9 July.
take a look at their website

Friday, July 12, 2013

University can be 'FUN'

Well, I just found an interesting university..
it's full of surprises!!

check their website at

this is one of their commercial.

Source for video from Youtube

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Listening to Music

enjoying the music..
aargh... every life is not as easy as it looks.

 Found it from Youtube

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Blog -_-

This blog created for saving whatever I want to post ....
I'm just starting to do blogging, and this blog may give me many experiences.
I hope that later on I can post as many as I can, even only something useless..

New anime in list for this season; source :

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

First Post

I'm going to take a little look into my life and make it into a something readable. 
Hope I will be able to continue this blog for a long time with this post which mark my starting point.