Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Sometime it's hard to tell people how you feel in internet.
so there are emoticons to fill that emptiness...
ah.. there is some from this site

when there is some misunderstanding

(´・.・`) ?

when there is some difficult things to explain
when there is happiness
when there is some anger
when there is make you happy

and there are many more to our emotions...
if you ever trying so hard to make them before...
you can grab them from
have you ever feel you have a hardship in your life?
and it's maybe more than once...
and we ever think to give up.. or we really given up...
but yet.. we are still able to stay alive.
and with this kind of life.. we need to realize something.
OTHER people also have some hardship on their life.
it's not just us
but, why some of them able to win in their despair?
here are some tips:
         - they never give up
         - they ask other for help
         - they try their best
         - when one of their plan fail, 
           they still go on with plan B, C, D, and other
         - they are not in a panic state
         - they still believe it's do able
well.. if we are not able to overcome our hardship, we still alive.
but... if we are able to overcome it, we can have a much better life to live on.

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