Friday, February 28, 2014 - News, Reviews, & Information for Foreign Games.

well.. I just found this website ....

this is a great place...
just like the title said.. it's full with news, review, & information for foreign games..
you might find several new games when you try to lurking around (≧σ≦)

go there, it will give you many information about the latest game or even the upcoming ones.

#there are some information (preview/review) for upcoming games and anime mmorpg on the bottom right

oh, and they also have a facebook page..


we have so many doubt when we want to play some games...
ah, at least I have ever feel that doubt.
is it a good game? is there a good game out there?
well, this place give me some information that make some of my doubt clear..
oh, only some, the rest of my doubt will be gone once I tried the game... :p

Sunday, February 23, 2014


sometimes it comes to my mind...
the thought of meeting someone special to me someday.
hoping that I can recognize that special one for me when the time comes.
what I know from what I've been in my life....
there is noone that will be my special one.
as far as I know......
everyone around me are people who have no deep interest in me.
but, I do have someone I have fun with, respect, and like or even love.
it's not that I don't have never think that they are my special one..
it just that, I just can't think about it..
they do come to help me, and give me courage when I'm down.
I am not smart enough to think about it......
we have to go separately for now.
it already too late for me to think about it right now.
but I think I know what I should do right now..
eventhough I think it's better to do this earlier..
I should just cerish them all, and keep my life going on..
so that someday, I can meet them again and have fun like the old days..

ah, there IS someone special for everyone in this world..
that's what I believe... ^-^
but, we should not think about it too hard..
we should just do our best and follow the flow of our life that we choose and make..
it's not bad to expect to meet that special person for us..
but for now (when you haven't found that person), cerish everyone who support you and those who make you the person you are today.....

Friday, February 7, 2014

Game : Flappy Bird

lately I've been seeing people playing this game using their phone.
and they seem getting immersed in their play..

oh, and there is a flash game version of this game....
you can find it on

you might try this game when you have the time.
and give feedback to the developer, like leaving a comment... :v
well, it's show them how their work has reached you.. :D
you can play on :


your effort in your life might sometimes look small..
too small that people didn't notice what you have done for them.
but, you should just give it a shot for everything you want to do
it's true there are not much people looking at you,
but there are a few of them praising your work..
you should try to find that little group first and then advance to the next page of your life