Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I'm trying to do something around now...

some simple thing I made using Unity 3d..

use the MOUSE to MOVE left and right
Q to pause
pick all the falling things to gain poin and health. don't let them fall, you will lose some of your health.

you can try it here.. M-0n or gamejolt

I hope I can make it better or make something else


it's hard to keep going...

Sunday, March 16, 2014


well. have nothing to do for a while..
...and, I just started thinking to make something.
yeah, maybe a stupid game that at least playable..


life is so short..
when you are getting older and older..
you will have less and less time to play...
well, that some crazy mind-set you guys have.
life is really looooong.......
take a little look at yourself right now.
you are a different person than some time ago.
you are thinking you are responsible for your own life now...
you are thinking your work are killing you...
you are thinking how good it is to be young...

if you are stuck right now.......
make a new challenge to spice up your life...!
make it time trial.... -> give some deadline for your loooong planning
or make it an endless run.... -> give some checkpoint for your crazy planning
or make it conditional win.... -> give some reward & punishment for your spontaneous planning

Friday, February 28, 2014

Steparu.com - News, Reviews, & Information for Foreign Games.

well.. I just found this website ....

this is a great place...
just like the title said.. it's full with news, review, & information for foreign games..
you might find several new games when you try to lurking around (≧σ≦)

go there steparu.com, it will give you many information about the latest game or even the upcoming ones.

#there are some information (preview/review) for upcoming games and anime mmorpg on the bottom right

oh, and they also have a facebook page..


we have so many doubt when we want to play some games...
ah, at least I have ever feel that doubt.
is it a good game? is there a good game out there?
well, this place give me some information that make some of my doubt clear..
oh, only some, the rest of my doubt will be gone once I tried the game... :p

Sunday, February 23, 2014


sometimes it comes to my mind...
the thought of meeting someone special to me someday.
hoping that I can recognize that special one for me when the time comes.
what I know from what I've been in my life....
there is noone that will be my special one.
as far as I know......
everyone around me are people who have no deep interest in me.
but, I do have someone I have fun with, respect, and like or even love.
it's not that I don't have never think that they are my special one..
it just that, I just can't think about it..
they do come to help me, and give me courage when I'm down.
I am not smart enough to think about it......
we have to go separately for now.
it already too late for me to think about it right now.
but I think I know what I should do right now..
eventhough I think it's better to do this earlier..
I should just cerish them all, and keep my life going on..
so that someday, I can meet them again and have fun like the old days..

ah, there IS someone special for everyone in this world..
that's what I believe... ^-^
but, we should not think about it too hard..
we should just do our best and follow the flow of our life that we choose and make..
it's not bad to expect to meet that special person for us..
but for now (when you haven't found that person), cerish everyone who support you and those who make you the person you are today.....

Friday, February 7, 2014

Game : Flappy Bird

lately I've been seeing people playing this game using their phone.
and they seem getting immersed in their play..

oh, and there is a flash game version of this game....
you can find it on Kongregate.com

you might try this game when you have the time.
and give feedback to the developer, like leaving a comment... :v
well, it's show them how their work has reached you.. :D
you can play on : www.kongregate.com


your effort in your life might sometimes look small..
too small that people didn't notice what you have done for them.
but, you should just give it a shot for everything you want to do
it's true there are not much people looking at you,
but there are a few of them praising your work..
you should try to find that little group first and then advance to the next page of your life

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

games you might not have tried ! !

I found this video on youtube
and I don't recognize some of them...
but all of them are wonderful..!!!
check it yourself on YOUTUBE


oh, and they also giving so many things about how to make a great game.
do you want to know more about games?
what is it? how to make it? or you need some inspirations??
you can find them here  Extra Credits [youtube link]

there are many things I don't understand in this life.
even those things which right in front of my eyes...
like what is internet? how it works? what danger can it brings?
but there are people who giving some information about them.
we should take some of our time to learn something new after all
and we should try our best to support them,
so they know that their works give some help to others.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Some Hatsune Miku's Pics

I found it here : http://miku.in/

a ton of miku's pics is there
go and see it for yourself . . .!!

oh, and if you want to have another pics, click the refresh button after the "MIKU.IN"
I mean this image :

nothing will make human feel satisfied enough
because, human is always hungry for some satisfaction,
and when they reach that satisfaction, they tend to search a more satisfied things to do

Friday, January 3, 2014

manga - some titles -

some title which I'm following right now..

Denpa Kyoushi


Kagami Junichirou was known as a physics genius when he was a teenager, and he was even published in "Nature." However, after college, he suddenly lost all interest in science. As a NEET, he's devoted himself to his anime blog and nerdy collecting habits. He claims he has a serious illness called "I can't do anything I don't want to do." Desperate to get him to do something with his life, his little sister manages to get him a job teaching physics at his old high school. He's certainly an unconventional teacher, but he becomes fairly popular with the students. After helping a girl who's being ruthlessly bullied, Kagami finds that he actually likes teaching. Will he continue his career as a weird teacher? Will he go back into physics? Or will he end up back where he started?
source : MAL



As a child, Raku Ichijo made a secret promise with his childhood sweetheart, keeping a pendant as a memento while his love took the key. He dreams of one day meeting his past love, but years later, reality smashes his hopes when Chitoge Kirisaki accidentally knees him in the face...

Though Raku’s a normal high schooler, his family heads the notorious yakuza gang the Shuei-Gumi faction! And he’s dragged into family affairs when he’s forced into a relationship with Chitoge, the daughter of a rival gang’s boss!

Despite their constant spats, the two somehow fool everyone with their false relationship. Raku then discovers that Chitoge has a mysterious key from her past, which she can’t remember... Plus, two other girls appear with keys as well—Kosaki Onodera and Marika Tachibana!

Caught in the midst of this love maelstrom, even more complications arise for Raku when his class decides on Romeo and Juliet as the class’s play for the school festival. Can the two false lovebirds pull off the impossible and make the play a success?source : MAL

AKB49 - Renai Kinshi Jourei


Urayama Minoru is a care free boy who has no interest in the idol group AKB48. On the other hand, he does worry about Yoshinaga, his fellow classmate. She wants to become a member of the group and auditions for a spot, so Minoru goes undercover as a female in order to help Yoshinaga with her stage fright. Words of encouragement can only go so far however, and the web Minoru finds himself in is getting bigger.
source : MAL

Shokugeki no Soma


Yukihira Souma's dream is to become a full-time chef in his father's restaurant and surpass his father's culinary skill. But just as Yukihira graduates from middle schools his father, Yukihira Jouichirou, closes down the restaurant to cook in Europe. Although downtrodden, Souma's fighting spirit is rekindled by a challenge from Jouichirou which is to survive in an elite culinary school where only 10% of the students graduate. Can Souma survive?
source : MAL

Nana Maru San Bantsu - 703X


Question: What is the format of competitive quiz bowls, called "golden rule" by truly able players?
Answer: 7 Right 3 Wrong
Explanation: It means that one wins when he gets seven correct answers, or gets disqualifed when he gives three incorrect answers. It's a standard rule loved by competitive quiz bowl players.
Source : MAL

try to read them..
you may like them.
and support the author by buying them.. ^-^